Insurance Brokers, Inc | Car Insurance FAQ
Chicago: 773-338-AUTO | Florida: 727-378-5852

Automobile Insurance Questions

What are some practical things I can do to lower my automobile insurance rates?

There are a number of things you can do to lower the cost of your automobile insurance. The easiest thing to do is ask us to get quotes from several companies for you.

It is not uncommon to find quotes on automobile insurance that can vary by hundreds of dollars for the same coverage on the same car. When you shop, be careful to make sure each insurer is offering the same coverage.

Another way to lower the cost of your automobile insurance is to look for any discounts for which you may qualify. For example, many insurers will offer you a discount if you insure multiple cars under the same policy, or if you have had a driver education class in the last five years. Be sure to ask us about their discount plans.

Another easy way to lower the cost of your automobile insurance is to increase the deductible. Simply raising your deductible from $250 to $500 can lower your premium sometimes by as much as five or ten percent.

What should I consider when purchasing automobile insurance?

There are a number of factors to consider when purchasing any product or service, and insurance is no different. Here is a checklist of things you should consider when purchasing automobile insurance.

  1. Base your decision on value. This is more than simply the lowest price. The premium you pay should be compared to the claims and policy service, protection and advice you receive. Independent agents, and the companies we represent, deliver excellent value.
  2. Purchase the amount of liability coverage that makes sense to you.
  3. You should decide which optional coverages you want. For example, do you want optional physical damage coverages or is the market value of your car too low to warrant purchasing them.
  4. Once you have decided what you want in your automobile insurance policy, you can now decide from whom you would like to purchase the insurance from.

What are the advantages to using an agent to purchase insurance?

By using an agent to purchase insurance, the policyholder receives more personal service. An agent with whom there is direct contact can be vital when purchasing a product and absolutely necessary when filing a claim. A local, independent agent is able to deliver quality insurance with competitive pricing and local personalized service.

Suppose I lend my car to a friend, is he/she covered under my automobile insurance policy?

Whenever you knowingly loan your car to a friend or an associate, he or she will be covered under your automobile insurance policy, subject to any driver exclusions on your policy.

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